Eyes on County Council
What is Eyes on County Council?
The vigorous property development in Sussex County and the lack of appropriate infrastructure along with the rapid population growth it brings, challenge all of us, to protect and advance the public interest. In order to learn how local issues are being addressed and decided, the Eyes on County Council initiative is being formed to consistently attend and observe County Council meetings. The goal is to be aware of land use and other decisions which have a potential impact on the broad public interest, and share details with interested advocacy organizations.
The Eyes on County Council initiative recruits volunteers to attend County Council meetings and take notes on agenda items that impact Sussex County residents. These notes are then turned into a digest and sent out to all participating organizations after each meeting. In addition, Action Alerts are sent to the organizations as appropriate.
Actions your organization can take: Letters to the Editor
How to write an effective letter to the editor:
Have a specific point to make and/or a unique angle on an issue.
If you are responding to an article or letter to the editor that appeared previously, state the author, title, and date.
Whenever possible, tie your point to something personal – an experience, your background, an effect it’s having on you, etc.
Be passionate but not angry, vindictive, or rude – you want to convince readers. Stay positive as much as possible.
The first sentence should set the tone, state your point, and make readers want to read on. State the important information first, then elaborate.
Don’t assume knowledge -- BRIEFLY give context so people understand the issue and why it’s important.
Don’t just complain – offer one or more solutions or actions that could be taken, by public officials or by fellow citizens.
Avoid undocumented accusations and personal attacks.
If you have evidence, statistics, or other support, provide it and give your source.
This is not the place to show off your vocabulary or knowledge of foreign phrases. Keep it simple.
Be brief. Edit, edit, edit, until cutting it further will make it worse, not better.
Sign the letter with your name (as you want it to appear) and provide a phone number in case the paper wants to confirm. If you are speaking as a representative of an organization, provide the organization’s name and your title. If you have a personal connection to the issue or people involved, divulge it or risk being accused of dishonesty.
Never complain about a letter being edited or not printed – everything except paid advertising is at the will of the paper. Write a good letter that is different from other letters on that topic and it will likely get printed. Keep it concise and to the point and it will likely be printed in its entirety.
Local Delaware newspapers:
*Cape Gazette: newsroom@capegazette.com 500 word limit
Delaware Online: https://static.delawareonline.com/submitletter/ 250 word limit
Bay to Bay News (Daily State News): https://baytobaynews.com/forms/letters/ 500 word limit
Coastal Point News: https://www.coastalpoint.com/site/forms/online_services/letter_editor/ 500 word limit
*The Cape Gazette has recently changed its editorial policy and will be more selective with letters to the editor. As part of the new policy, it will no longer print endorsements of political candidates. https://www.capegazette.com/article/cape-gazette-updates-policies/286210
Testifying before County Council:
Anyone can testify or speak at a County Council meeting during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Each speaker is limited to three minutes and must keep their comments to matters clearly within the jurisdiction of Council and are matters of legitimate County business. Public comment should be addressed to the Council as a body and not to a specific member of Council.
Speaking at the podium the first time can be intimidating. But believe it or not, County Council does want to hear from its constituents. Here’s what we recommend:
Write down what you want to say. Most effective speakers read from a written statement.
Place your name and address on the sign-up sheet.
Begin with a greeting, e.g. “Good morning, Commissioners/Council and staff.” Then give your name and your address. Now you are ready to continue with your statement. End with a “Thank you.”
Include facts and data wherever possible.
Tell your story. What is the personal impact?
Practice. Time yourself and get comfortable with the flow of your words.
It’s optional, but make copies of your statement for each Council member so they can refer back to it afterwards.
Arrive early so you have time to acclimate to the room and get settled, use the restroom, etc.
When speaking at the podium, take your time, speak slowly and clearly. You got this! You practiced and what you have to say is important.
Council understands you might be nervous, but they are there to help you. Remember, you are not alone. There are many others who are probably having the same experience or share your concern. After you have spoken for three minutes and are seated, Breathe deep and finally enjoy that feeling of empowerment: Being seen and being heard.
Phone calls, emails or letters to County Council members:
Matt Lloyd, District 1
(302) 855-7743
Steve C. McCarron, District 2
(302) 542-0661
Jane Gruenebaum, District 3
(302) 362-9067
Douglas B. Hudson - Council President
District 4
(302) 542-1432
John L. Rieley - Council Vice President
District 5
(302) 858-8649